Flores guide 01 day boat trip in Labuan Bajo

To be completely visiting some islands around Labuan Bajo normally needed three or maybe more days on board but for travelers who wants to explore Komodo and some beautiful islands around in short time, its possible you can make a decision only one day boat trip. For the ittinerary as follows :

Leave Labuan Bajo early morning and sail to Padar island, there you will do the trecking activities to see the beautiful landscape from the top of hill.

From Padar island continue to sail to Komodo island to see the Komodo Dragon inhabited, there you will do the trecking around and find some Komodo dragon and another wild life surrounding.

Next sail to Pink Beach, at there you can snorkeling arround and if you want to enjoyed at the beach, boat taxi will offer you to bring to the beach because the boat can't anchorage near the beach.

The last program sail to Manta point, it is not guarantee you'll be able to see Manta but if you lucky you'll find it and after that sail to the port of Labuan Bajo
