Wae Rebo Traditional Village

Wae Rebo is one of famous traditional village located in Manggarai district. It is small and isolated village and about 1.100km above sea level. Wae Rebo has received the Top Award of Excellence from UNESCO in 2012 UNESCO Asia Pacific Heritage Awards, announced in Bangkok on 27 August 2012.

Wae Rebo will offered to the great experience, the panorama surrounding mountains and forest make this place in a quite situation, you'll feel riches of culture and a lot of philosophy that still appear in their daily life.

For traveler who are interested with hiking activities this place suitable for you. From the starting point it will spend 2 hours do trekking to arrive at the village and local people will accept you first by a welcoming ceremonial afterwards you can do activities as normally.

To go to the Village is not easy because you have to spend 6 hours drive from Labuanbajo or 4 hours drive from Ruteng. This long way caused by the road infrastructure not well enough so in this case normally visitors will overnight in Wae Rebo. 
